Robin Roberts, host of ABC News’ “Good Morning America,” beamed on Friday, as she posed for photos with a shaved head at a private wedding ceremony for weatherman Sam Champion and his partner.
The appearance occurred just two months after being released from the hospital, where Roberts received a blood-marrow transplant. The popular anchorwoman has openly shared her battle with cancer, and related illness, over the years. In 2007, Roberts shaved her head on television but wore a wig in public shortly afterward.
The ceremony took place at Champion’s New York City apartment. Wearing an elegant red dress, Roberts read a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning for the couple.
The 52-year-old has been out on medical leave since early September while receiving treatment for a rare blood and bone marrow disorder, MDS. But she keeps viewers up-to-date on her condition through video messages on ABC News and Twitter. ABC News has also documented her recovery.