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You know, sometimes it seems the more “right” you do in your career, as a woman, the less successful you’ll be in love and relationships—that is, according to the constant media reports and barbershop/salon chats supporting the notion.
Study: ‘When both male and females were employed, the odds of [abuse] were more than two times higher than when the male was the only breadwinner in the partnership.’
News report: ‘Pop star and actress Christina Aguilera and TV star Courteney Cox joined the ranks of so many famous women who can claim successful careers, but not successful marriage. …In most, if not all, of these cases, the female half of the power couple was making more money than her then-husband, and at a career high when the marriage falls apart.’
Relationship expert: ‘There is a misconception that men are intimidated by the educational, professional and financial statuses of successful black women. This is true when women are only exposed to groups of immature men who lack motivation.’
A neighbor: Oh, that’s nice. You’re doing big things. So where’s your husband? No kids? That’s too bad…
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