By Anita Kopacz
We all need somebody to lean on…
Community support is a priceless gem that can often be overlooked in today’s society. We are so concentrated on the victories of the individual that we forget that we are a unit of humanity. The reality is those victorious individuals will all tell you that they could not achieve anything without the help of their ‘village’.
Community support is a practice. It is not something we call upon only in need. This kind of support must be nurtured and loved. You must put in the time and energy to create the group of people that can push you to achieve your dreams. The synergy of the group will always be greater than the sum of its parts. If you create the right network, there are no limits to your success.
The Harlem Renaissance is a perfect example of a group of people that united for change and expression. Their collective became a movement, and that movement changed the world.
We are all closer than we think to our dreams… we just cannot do it alone. Open up to the community around you and share your goals. You might just be in the right place at the right time.
In honor of supporting your community, click here for our Well-Life Maintenance Goals for April.
Welcome to Uplift at UPTOWN. If you are just joining us this week, my name is Anita Kopacz. I am an author and spiritual adviser with a passion to see people thrive! Collective energy possesses a divine power that can remove stubborn obstacles and open locked doors. My intention is to join our UPTOWN family in spirit and forge our return to healthy living. With the Well-Life Maintenance Program, together we will take small steps in four areas of our lives to improve our quality of living. The four areas include Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical. You can find more in my book, Finding Your Way: Alphabetical Keys to the Divine.