There are times when the best advice is to give no advice at all. Sometimes a person just needs to be heard. Many times we feel as if we know the answer to another’s problems. We know the perfect solution … if only they would just listen. But how often do we really listen? We sit on the sidelines waiting for the perfect time to interject our two cents.
Try this: Next time a loved one seeks you for counsel, pause and hear them out. Ask them what they think would be the best solution. Often times the wisdom shared from healing their own issue offers profound insight for the person holding space (or listening) to them. Listening is sometimes easier said than done. We may wander or have constant urges to speak, but just like with any talent practice makes perfect.
Practice listening.
The reason we have two ears and only one mouth, is that we may hear more and speak less. — Zeno, Greek philosopher
In honor of listening to our souls, click here to view our Well-Life Maintenance Goals for April.
Welcome to Uplift at UPTOWN. If you are just joining us this week, my name is Anita Kopacz. I am an author and spiritual adviser with a passion to see people thrive! Collective energy possesses a divine power that can remove stubborn obstacles and open locked doors. My intention is to join our UPTOWN family in spirit and forge our return to healthy living. With the Well-Life Maintenance Program, together we will take small steps in four areas of our lives to improve our quality of living. The four areas include Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical. You can find more in my book,Finding Your Way: Alphabetical Keys to the Divine.
[Woman listening image via Shutterstock]