Despite the freezing temperatures much of the U.S. is facing, with negative lows in the forecast for the upcoming weeks, scientists say that global warming is still a threat and can often make such chills worse.
The Huffington Post puts the current global climate situation into layman’s terms, writing: “Despite the recent bout of subzero temps, global warming can make extreme weather events like the polar vortex even worse.” To make things clearer, “as the planet warms and Arctic sea ice melts, the northern polar region equalizes a bit with temperatures farther south, causing the jet stream that forms a circular band around the northern latitudes to slow down.” The jet stream mentioned retains Arctic air with winds up to 100 mph. Occasionally, cold air pockets escape, resulting freezing temperatures.
During such times it is important to remain inside unless absolutely necessary and to bundle up in layers of clothing, including gloves and head wear, when heading outside for even a short period of time.
[Image: Shutterstock]