Business networking exposes beginners and seasoned professionals alike to expertise advice, relevant career information and specialized insights that would otherwise take years to learn and time to master. While networking can lead to open doors and expansion of your personal profile, it can often be a one way street. Networking can be abused- seeking out business relationships solely for personal gain. But what’s in it for your counterpart?
The key to meeting new people is authencity. Creating and maintain relationships that are mutually beneficial. Refrain from connecting with others only when it values you and your business. Have something to bring to the table: your time, energy, resources, finances, or a mix of all of the above.
Networking puts a face to your promoted brand and business. It’s your reputation and character that can jolt you to the next level, providing increased revenue, profitable referrals and business leads. Perfecting one’s social skills- combating shyness, being more open and exposing vulnerability are all advantages of networking and creating a proficient support system.
(Photo: Shutterstock)