President Obama has had a rough time rolling out his healthcare plan, the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Between the website issues and the bombshell revelation that people would not be able to keep their own health insurance, he has had more than his fair share of detractors. However, it would seem that he’s found some unexpected allies in prostitutes. More specifically, prostitutes from Nevada, where the practice is legal.
Yes, that’s right, sex workers are happy about Obama’s plan because, well, they can’t really get health insurance otherwise. According to Caressa Kisses (I cannot make that up), “They equate us to illegal working girls who have very high STD and AIDS rates, which we have none of the above. We’re legal licensed prostitutes. I see the doctor every week. It’s state mandatory. We’re tested weekly and monthly for blood.”
So yay, for Obama! There is an entire sector of the population that I bet he didn’t think to promote the ACA to them. Somehow, I doubt that he wants to advertise Caressa Kisses’ ringing endorsement (can you imagine that press conference?!), but at this point it seems to be the only support he has for the plan. Watch the KTNV-Las Vegas broadcast below to hear more: