“Could I have saved her somehow?” is the question Cissy Houston continues to ask herself nearly a year after the death of daughter Whitney Houston. Cissy reveals in a new memoir, Remembering Whitney, her reaction to Whitney’s severe drug abuse and downward spiral that culminated in the legend drowning alone in a hotel bathtub with cocaine still in her system.
People.com got their hands on an advanced copy of the memoir, which is slated for a Jan. 29 release, and it seems Cissy took a wait-and-see approach to handling, or even addressing for that matter, Whitney’s addiction. Of course this is a memoir and should be read with the knowledge that it is the author’s recollection and interpretation of events that happened, not necessarily fact. So let’s delve into the highlights, shall we:
Cissy Houston on Whitney’s death:
“I’m angry she died alone, in those conditions. I’m still mad about that.”
On Whitney’s addiction:
“She started partying and she didn’t really know how to stop … I used to wonder what she was doing at night, where she was.”
On being afraid to confront Whitney:
“Whitney hid from me … What was the point? I didn’t want her to run completely away from me.”
On Bobby Brown being the cause of Whitney’s troubles:
“I blame him for the way he treated her, but I don’t blame him for her drug problems. He was no help to her at all.”
On Whitney’s “relationship” with former assistant-turned-creative director Robyn Crawford, who first told Cissy about Whitney’s addiction:
“I just didn’t want her with my daughter. I know nothing about a romantic relationship. That’s what everybody said but they didn’t know either.”
On her goal in writing Remembering Whitney:
“[W]hat a good person she was. I want people to know the truth about her, how she really was.”
Do you plan to read Remembering Whitney when it’s released next week?