Twenty years ago, you would have had a hard time finding a hip-hop song giving props to a good dad. To let most rappers tell it, there was no such thing.
Ed O.G. & Da Bulldogs classic “Be A Father To Your Child” had to remind guys to take care of their children …
While songs like 2Pac’s “Papa’z Song” spoke for a generation of young black men who had filled their void of a father with anger and resentment …
Even the few times that a dad did get some good words spoken about him, it was to a stepdad because the “biological didn’t bother.”
And if it wasn’t artists angry at their dads for leaving, it was artists claiming that every other woman they knew were setting traps to get pregnant or ones complaining about “baby mama drama.” All in all, fatherhood didn’t look as good as the partying and opulence that so many rap songs promoted.